Kellie Milos

Welcome to Mrs. Milos' Webpage!

Extra Help Times: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:30-2:50 pm

As always, please feel free to come to me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns at any time! I can be reached by telephone (at extension 326) and email (at [email protected]
email is best). I will get back to you within 24 hours. I thank you in advance for your patience. I look forward to helping your child become more independent and successful at RVS! 


Classroom Code of Conduct 

1.   We will be polite at all times. 

2.   We will work quietly and not disturb others. 

3.   We will listen courteously when others are talking. 

4.   We will be friendly to fellow classmates. 

5.   We will be truthful and honest. 

6.   We will respect our teachers and other adults. 

7.   We will be prepared for class every day. 

8.   We will arrive to class on time. 

9.   We will cooperate with others. 

10. We will always do our best. 

Grading Policy: 


  • Homework that is given (Grammar, Reading, Writing, etc.) will be worth 5 points. 
  • I expect you to try your best, complete homework neatly, and hand it in on time.
  • Points will be deducted for missing or incomplete assignments.
  • If you ever have questions about something you do not understand, be prepared to ask them in class the next day. You may also email me at [email protected].

Long Term Assignments:

  • Long-term assignments (essays, projects, independent novel study, etc.) will count as a test grade.
  • These assignments should reflect your best work, be typed neatly, and be completed in their entirety. 
  • Typed assignments should always be written using Google and can be shared with me for review. You should not be asking me to review your assignment the night before it is due! Long-term assignments should be worked on a little each day. 
  • Most, if not all, Writing assignments will be completed in class. These assignments will be graded based on a rubric that students will have prior to beginning the task. 


  • Each day I will be looking to see if you are prepared, participating, attentive, and trying your best. 

Tests/Projects/Writing Assignments: 45%

Quizzes: 35%

Homework/Classwork: 15%

Participation: 5%


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can my child retake a test? 
A: Any child who scores 69% or below may retake the test. The retake will be averaged with the first test. The average will be the child's new grade.

Q: My child forgot their homework, may they still turn it in? 
A: I will accept all homework for half credit up to the day of the test.

Q: My child forgot their assignment pad, how can I get tonight's homework?
A: All students have many ways to get their assignments. Students can check with a friend or classmate, refer to the individual teacher's website, or Google Classroom. If you are unsure of the homework for the evening, please use those avenues to identify any homework your child may have.

Q: When are your extra help periods and how do they work?
A: My extra help periods are held on Tuesdays/Thursdays from 2:30 - 2:50. Please let me know in advance that you will be attending. I work with the children present on different requested areas. Please come with specific questions and topics needing assistance. This period is not for homework completion.

Q: Do I need to sign tests?
A:  No, all grades are entered into Genesis in a timely manner and can be accessed through the Parent Portal. It is essential to keep apprised of your child's grades so there are no surprises when report cards are released. If you need help accessing Parent Portal, please contact Mrs. Cuozzo in the main office at x369.

Q: How should my child prepare for tests and quizzes?
A: Students will always have at least three days' notice before any test or quiz. Therefore, it is important for your child to study a little bit each night. Study guides will be provided to your child and should be used to study for the test or quiz (see below).


Many parents have shown some concern with "how" to study for upcoming tests. There are different ways to study: 

  1. Study to memorize  (learn the information & forget it after the test) 
  2. Study to learn  (learn the information & possibly remember it after the test)
  3. Study to know  (learn the information & be able to teach it to someone else)

When you study to KNOW, you know you are ready for the test, and have been successful at studying!

A simple guide to follow is this (and I tell the students this in school as well): 

  • EVERY DAY review the notes taken in class
  • EVERY DAY review the section or pages discussed in class
  • EVERY DAY reread the pages in the book
  • EVERY DAY discuss with a parent, sibling, friend, etc. the concepts that were learned about to check for understanding

It's a lot easier to review a little each night over the course of a week or so than it is to try and study everything in the few days before the test. 

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