
Rockaway Valley School Athletics

Pride - Tradition - Excellence

Please click on the tabs to the left for more information regarding specific RVS sports.

2024 Fall Sports
Sign-up Open Now!

The signup period for fall sports will close on September 1st.  After this date, you will no longer be able to sign your child up for an RVS fall sport.

To officially sign your child up, please log onto Genesis and click on the "Forms" tab.  From there, you will see the necessary documents. There is also a tab to upload your child's sports eligibility, if needed (physicals are good for one year).  We are no longer accepting paper copies of physicals.  You must upload the state-mandated medical eligibility form on Genesis.


***IMPORTANT TO NOTE regarding physicals: As of July 1, the form has changed. The actual physical form is no longer required to be uploaded; rather, please upload the medical eligibility form that MUST be signed.

We have added an option on the signup to pay the $75 pay to participate fee with a credit card.  There is an extra fee associated with paying online.  If you would prefer paying with a check, please make the check out to the Boonton Township Board of Education in the amount of $75.

To participate in an RVS sport, you need to complete the following forms for each sport you want to participate in:

1. "Athletic Participation Packet" You can find this packet by clicking on the tab "Athletic Forms". 

2. Updated Emergency Card

3. NJ State mandated "Pre-participation Physical Evaluation" form. Each sport has a deadline to hand this in. Make sure you meet the deadline in order to prevent any delays in being cleared by the school doctor. Please see the nurse's website for the dates.

4. Cardiac and Concussion for Sports Participation Form

5. Opioid Form


                                       All events start approximately 4:00 unless noted.

Home soccer games and cross country meets are located at RVA Fields - 353 Powerville Rd in Boonton Twp.

Home Basketball Games are located at Rockaway Valley School - 11 Valley Road in Boonton Twp

Home Softball Games are located at Rockaway Valley School - 11 Valley Road in Boonton Twp

Home Baseball Games are located at RVA Fields - 353 Powerville Rd in Boonton Twp.

All student-athletes must pay a "pay to participate" fee per sport played at RVS. Please pay online (in Genesis under FEES), or bring in a check to your coach before the first game. The check must be made out to the Boonton Twp. Board of Education in the amount of $75. No Cash. Thank you.


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