Language Arts chalk

Today a READER, tomorrow a LEADER.

 Mrs. Lehman
[email protected]  ~ 973-334-4162 x-247

extra help hours- Tuesday & Thursday at 7:17 AM

Classroom Expectations:


  • Yourself: 
    • Each action you make is a conscious decision and consequences are non-negotiable. Be responsible, have a positive attitude, and be honest.
  • Others:
    • Be helpful, encouraging, and considerate of others speaking!
  • The Teachers:
    • Be polite, follow directions, and raise your hand. 
  • Our Classroom:
    • Stay organized! Put objects back where you find them. Keep it clean & be green!

Important Expectations

  • Come to class prepared and ready to learn
  • Follow the policies listed in the RVS handbook
  • Try your best each day 
  • Participate! Raise your hand to share opinions and answer questions
  • Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns 
  • Check Google Classroom and your school email daily 
  • Make sure your Chromebook is fully charged 


  • Warning 1: name on board
  • Warning 2: check next to name = consequence
  • Warning 3: 2nd check = contact home

Grading Policy:

Writing Assignments - 45%: Comprehensive writing assignments / essays will be graded by use of grading guide / rubric and count as a test grade. -10 points per day that assignment are submitted late. Corrections / Resubmissions of writing assignments do NOT change the original essay grade, it will count as a homework or classwork grade. 

Quizzes - 35%: Quiz grades will be on literacy skills, projects, and notebook checks (1 per marking period). -10 points per day that any assignment is submitted late. 

Participation - 10%Participation will be assessed in school. Weekly class participation grades will be given (raising hands, volunteering to share opinions, answering questions, being prepared with materials, turning in classwork assignments on Google Classroom) 

Homework - 10%: Homework will be assigned on Mondays and due on Fridays by 7:30 AM unless noted otherwise. -Late homework assignments will NOT be accepted. It will remain a 0 if not submitted on time.


  •  Composition notebook
  • 3 ring binder 
  • 2 highlighters 
  • Pencils


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