We're Back!

We're Back!
Posted on 04/22/2021

I really don't want to jinx anything but between having nearly everyone back in the building and the Book Fair going on in the library, it's feeling pretty typical around here. And typical feels really good!

Monday went off without a hitch and all students except for a very small group are now back and learning in person. Please be reminded that there is now no "virtual present" option. Only the fully remote cohort and those students who've been placed in COVID quarantine will be admitted into Zoom classrooms. If you are a driver who picks up students after school, please pay attention to the directions of our dismissal crew. These teachers have the pick-up procedure down to a science!

There have been quite a few questions and some speculating about "what's next." As I have mentioned in previous correspondence, I can tell you that the current schedule of half days plus afternoon boost periods will remain in effect for the rest of this school year. We are anticipating being able to open for full days in September but are still awaiting guidance about masking, lunchroom protocols, etc. Rest assured that, as we find out details, we will share them. Because we are proceeding as though school will follow the normal schedule next year, we will be gearing up to launch the RVS Aftercare Program again, this time with an actual "grand opening." To that end, we need to gauge community interest again. If you think you may have a need for after-school care during the 2021-2022 School Year, please take a minute to fill out this brief survey. Results will be used to plan for staffing, space utilization and programming for RVS KidCare. We appreciate your giving us this feedback by April 30.

You heard the news that there is to be no NJSLA testing this spring. We're grateful to have the rest of the year to concentrate on instruction and allow teachers to assess their students to ascertain that benchmarks are being met. However, we recently received notice that there will be testing in the Fall andSpring in the next school year. The Fall testing (Start Strong Assessment) will most likely happen in late September or very early October and is expected to be brief. The Spring test is expected to be the same or similar to the test (NJSLA) to which we've been accustomed in the past.

I've attached two surveys to this letter at the request of the NJ Department of Education. The DOE is participating in a wide project to learn how the past year has affected students, teachers and families educationally. Attached are the message for parents and the message for students and you will find links to participate in the survey within the letters. The survey is not associated with the Boonton Township BOE but the state will be using the information gathered to help make decisions in the future.

With vaccinations on the rise and some of the virus numbers trending in a better direction, it is easy for us to become complacent regarding COVID-19. Please stay vigilant. The virus is still prevalent and now is not the time to let up on staying safe and healthy at home, at school and when we're out and about. Now is the time to "make good decisions" for the sake of our community. Thank you to everyone for continuing this effort.

We have three marking periods completed and we're into the final stretch. One of my favorite phrases is "It's not how you start, but how you finish." Let's finish strong!

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