Home Stretch!

Home Stretch!
Posted on 06/02/2021

Looking at June activities.

It's the home stretch! We made it! You made it!

This is the prevailing feeling as we come back from our extra-long Memorial Day Weekend. The reality is ... we

have three weeks of school left and the majority of that is instructional time. So while we're refiecting on how far

we've come this year, we still have work to do and things to learn.

As the end draws near, please help your students stay on task, turn in their work or figure out what is missing. If

you have questions, please reach out to teachers directly. Check their websites, google classrooms and

gradebooks to insure your student is on track to finish strong.

As I've mentioned to our parent groups and at board meetings, the Honeywell Instant Alert System is "going out

of business" effective July 1. Our new service is called School Messenger and we are currently in the process

of learning this new software and will be testing it out, hopefully before the end of the school year (or very early

in the summer). This new service integrates with our database so if you're keeping your portal information up to

date, it will automatically update the alert system.

In addition, we are transitioning our website to one hosted by School Messenger as well. This transition will

take place early in the summer, if all goes well. As you might imagine, it's a lot of information to capture and

reorganize into a more up-to-date website but we're excited to have a "grand opening" relaunch of the site as

soon as our webmaster says it's ready for primetime.

Many thanks to the HSA and the class parents for planning the class picnics. This is another step in the

direction of normalcy and I'm looking forward to stopping by for a treat. The 8th grade has an exciting day

planned at Rocking Horse Ranch to mark the end of their year and make some memories before heading off to

their high schools. The RVS Band and Chorus are holding a concert outdoors on June 8. We're very excited to

see and hear our student musicians altogether after this year of virtual lessons, in-person small groups and

overcoming all the hurdles that lead to this performance. 7 PM on the playground!

Commencement will take place on June 24 at 7 PM on the softball field here at school. Our rain day plan is to

hold the ceremony on June 25 at 2 PM if the field is dry. If it's still raining or terribly wet, the ceremony will be at

2 PM but indoors in our larger gym. Tickets for the indoor event will be limited to 3 per family as there is a

capacity limit on the room. Mrs. Scivetti will continue to be in touch with 81h grade families with more details

about commencement as the time gets closer.

I'm so proud of our community for navigating all the twists and turns of the last year+. We're slowly returning to

our normal routines but much is still not known about next year. As the Department of Education and the

Governor continue to make decisions, we will continue make pians for RVS that meet the State's expectations

and parameters for the safest possible re-opening in September. I'll keep you in the loop.

But for right now .. we are finishing strong!

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