Lauren Savage


Mrs. Lauren Savage


8th Grade Mathematics


Homeroom - Room 43

Extra Help Hours: Tue./Thurs. 2:30 pm - 2:50 pm

In order to make the best use of our extra help periods, please come prepared with a specific question or topic that you are looking to clarify

Go down deep enough into anything and you will
find mathematics.  ~Dean Schlicter

Grading Policy:

Grades will be calculated using a total points system. Every test, quiz, project, notebook check, computer task, and in-class assignment will be awarded a set number of points.Since a total point system is used, ALL assignments are coded as tests.  Please read the column heading to interpret an assignment.
Grades will come in the form of fractions. The numerator will represent the points earned on an assignment. The denominator will represent the number of points possible.  To figure out the percentage for each assignment, divide the numerator by the denominator.  The more points an assignment is worth, the more it will impact your final grade.  There are typically no extra credit assignments, but extra credit questions are included in many major assessments. Please allow about a week after a major assignment or test is given to see the grade in Genesis.


1. Several sharpened pencils(at all times
2. At least two good erasers 
3. One or two pens and a working highlighter
4. One marble composition book (for geometry) 
5. One two-pocket, 3-hole punched folder dedicated to math
6. One or two expo markers 
7. One 2" or larger 3-ring binder dedicated to math


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