Important News and Updates

Important News and Updates
Posted on 11/02/2022
Fire Truck + Students

The end of the first marking period is almost upon us; it’s been a wonderful start to this school year.

We have seen the return of regular seating at lunches, the return of social events for students and nighttime events for parents.  Our full schedule of concerts is back.  In short, it feels finally normal. 

Our teachers are doing a wonderful job of pushing forward with grade-level learning standards while simultaneously keeping track of those who may have struggled during the COVID years and who need help catching up.  It’s a huge task but our faculty are more than qualified and adept at this sort of flexibility.  If your student is feeling as though they need some help, don’t forget about faculty extra help times, homework support after school or contact the teacher if you think Extended Instructional Support (EIS) is warranted for your child.

I know you’ve seen the invitation to participate in the Strategic Planning process that is set to begin Monday evening, November 7.  It’s not too late to join the group of stakeholders from across our community to lend your voice to the process.  I need to hear from you by November 4, though, to insure adequate seating and materials for all.  I appreciate those who have already RSVP’d and look forward to robust and healthy discussions to help us define a path forward for the next five years. 

I’d like to take an opportunity to review for you the best way to communicate with the school and find the answers to questions you may have from time to time:

1.    Check this website often; many answers can be found within the Calendar, on the Parents tab and in the weekly Virtual Backpack.

2.    Contact your child’s teacher if you have academic questions or questions about classroom procedures.

3.    Contact the administration with district-wide concerns or questions when no other option appears to be available.

Finally, Fall is a busy time for our community partners, the Boonton Township Education Foundation and the RVS Home and School Association.  They have been non-stop planning and producing events and fundraisers to finance all the “extras” that make our school stand out both academically and socially, that help teachers with creative lessons and that help us procure equipment we might not otherwise be able to purchase.  I know both groups would appreciate new members; find out more on the For Parents tab, above.  Please lend them your support!  (The HSA’s Fun Run is coming up soon!)

I hope you’re as encouraged by the bright beginning to this year as I am.  I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming Veteran’s Day concert and the Strategic Planning Meetings.

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