Mrs. Gaffney's Class News


Office Hours:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:17-7:37

Wednesdays (support) 7:17-7:37


November Class  News

Pre K-2-The students are working on developing skill at motor movements through fitness, stations, and cooperation games.  Also, the students will play  games using throwing, rolling, and kicking skills.

3rd-8th Grades-The students are finishing up a soccer unit.  They will practice dribbling, passing and shooting through game play.

6th & 7th Grade Health-The students are exploring mental/emotional health  topics such as stress management and conflict resolution.



Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  How will my child's health grade be determined?

A:  Health grades are calculated using homework/classwork, projects, quick writes, preparedness and effort/participation.  For 7th grade, DARE will make up a big part of third marking period's grade. 

Q: My child forgot their homework, may they still turn it in?

A: I will accept all homework turned in up until their next health class for half credit.  After that, I will not accept work and their grade stays at a zero.

Q:  How is my child's PE grade determined?  


A:  Effort, attitude and participation are all part of their PE grade.  Upper grade classes begin with 100 points and deductions are made if a child is not dresses out, does not participate during the lesson or is a disruption to the class.

Q:  My child is unprepared for PE class.  What happens?  

A:  If he/she has sneakers, they are allowed to participate with points taken off their grade.  Being unprepared really drops a student's grade.  Therefore, it is important for your child to study a little bit each night.



Useful links:

President's Physical Fitness Award


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