Michelle Salmon

Welcome to Mrs. Salmon's Class

4th Grade


E-Mail: [email protected]

Work Phone Number: 973-334-4162  Extension 223

Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.
The best way to get in touch with me is through e-mail.


My Extra Help Hours:
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings
from 7:17-7:37am

I will be available to help your children study for tests, review homework, reinforce a subject they are struggling with. Please let me know if you're planning on coming so that I can prepare for the session. Feel free to e-mail or call me with any requests or concerns. 


Online Textbooks

Math Textbook - Click Here
with Clever

Language Arts Program - Click Here
with Clever
Science Textbook - Click Here
with Clever

Grading Policies and Questions

Q: Can my child re-do homework?
A: All students have an opportunity to correct nightly homework for full points as long as it is turned in before the test.  Any late points will still apply.

Q: Can my child re-take a test?  
A: Usually, instead of a retake for a test less than 70%, I'll have the student answer and reflect on the questions that they had wrong. I will then average the two scores together with an average no higher than 70%.

Q: My child forgot their homework, may they still turn it in?

A: I will accept all nightly homework turned in up to one day late with no penalty.  After the second day it is late, the homework will not be accepted. However, homework that has been given multiple days to be completed, such as long term projects will get points taken off for lateness. Two points will be taken off of a long term assignment being a day late, and an extra point will be taken off for every day after.  Long-term assignments will be accepted past one day late, but points will accumulatively be taken off.

Q: What are the classroom expectations?
A: Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Prepared. Be an Active Learner.

 Q: Do I need to sign tests?

A: Please sign and return all tests and projects that are 50 points or higher. CSR (Correct Sign Return) will be written on it. Students must correct problems that they had wrong to help them learn from their mistakes and have it signed and returned to ensure parents are informed with their child's progress, .

Q: How do you grade using "points?"
A: Each assignment is worth a given amount of "points." At the end of a marking period, a given amount of points can be earned. I add up the number of points that a child earned and divide it by the total possible number of points to determine the child's average. Most tests are worth around 100 points. Quizzes tend to be 50 points or less; they are not worth as much, and do not weigh as heavily at the end of the marking period. All assignments will be given a point value, and the amount earned will be written above the possible amount. I will then divide it and give it a percentage for the child, but the point value is what matters. If there is only a percentage given, this means that the assignment was out of 100 points, and the percentage number is the same number as the points earned.

Q: What do the stars and PF on my child's homework mean?
A: Stars - Math homework is worth three points each night.  A star on the homework means that all points were earned. All nightly homework can be re-done for full points. If a child receives a PF Please Fix, they did not receive full points, and the child should re-do the homework so that s/he can earn all possible points.

Q: What is "involvement in class learning outcomes"?

A: Part of the student’s grade in science will be the child’s overall involvement in class learning outcomes.  This will include participation, behavior, lab work, and total physical and mental involvement.  A 10 is full active engagement, a 9 is frequently engaged, an 8 is partially engaged, a 7 is little engagement or disciplinary issues that detract from class learning, and a 6 or lower would be multiple disruptions to others that detracts from class learning.

Q: How should my child prepare for tests and quizzes?

A: Students will always have muliple days notice before any test or quiz.  Therefore, it is important for your child to study a little bit each night.  Remember that math, science, and language arts all have the textbooks online. 

For math , I recommend that students do many practice problems from the book (either brought home or online,) past homework sheets, and the math practice test. The practice test is exactly how the real test will look with just different names and numbers. 

For reading, all tests will be open-book.  The tests will not be announced beforehand because we will be testing students on their comprehension, however, they will have the books available to them to review information during the test.  It is important for students to read slowly while questioning, predicting, re-reading, and summarizing the material they have read.  We will practice these skills in school.

For science and social studies, a study guide will always be sent home before any quiz. I recommend answering the study guide questions on flashcards. Students should, again, study a little bit each night, and not wait until the day before the quiz. I recommend re-reading the sections being tested on and reviewing their interactive student notebook pages. Some questions on the quiz will involve using knowledge from the study guide and applying it to short essay-type questions.
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