Karen Flaherty

Mrs. Flaherty's Math Class
kflaherty [at] btrvs [dot] org
“The world doesn’t care what you know. What the world
cares about is what you do with what you know.” - Tony Wagner



Classroom Rules and Expectations

  • Students should bring all materials to class. 
  • Students should be respectful of everyone.
  • Students should try, try, try their best!
  • Students are to submit work on time!



Extra Help Hours:

Extra help is from 7:17am-7:37am on Mondays and Thursdays. I am also available for help during reinforcement on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please email me if you have questions.



Homework Policy:

Homework is assigned 2-3 days during the week. 

You can receive up to 2 points per checked homework assignment: 2 points if work is completed (work shown and strategies tried for problems you don't understand will be accepted), 1 point if work is late, 0 points if problems are not attempted or homework is not turned in.  Points will be totaled at the end of each semester. If you miss an assignment, you have until Friday to complete it. After that there are no makeups.

If you do not understand the first few problems for homework, go to the next section of the worksheet. Often there are different kinds of problems that you can try.  



Grading Policy:

Grades will be calculated using a total points system. Every test, quiz, project, classwork assignment, and homework assignment will be given a set number of points.  Tests will be about 100 points each, quizzes will range from 25-50 points, classwork will be about 10 points per assignment, and homework will be worth 2 points each.  (Homework will total to about 50 points each semester.)

Your grades will come in the form of fractions. The numerator will represent the points you earned on an assignment. The denominator will represent the number of points possible.  To figure out the percentage of each assignment, divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, if you received a 49/50 on a quiz, your grade is 98%.  If you received a 40/50, your grade is 80%. You can figure out your grade in class at any time by adding up the total points earned and dividing by the total points possible. The most points the assignment is worth, the more it will affect your final grade.

Each semester there will be around 500 points total.  Grades can be checked in Genesis at any time. Please allow a week after an assignment or test is given to see the grade on Genesis. There will be no extra credit assignments given to earn more points. It is expected that students will do their best work in class to earn as many points possible. If you have any questions about grading, please contact me.

Each marking period you can make corrections on one test or quiz, if you are up to date on all homework and classwork assignments. Come to extra help to catch up if needed.

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