Georgette Toles


Spanish teacher

Señora Toles

Class Expectations

All 7th and 8th Grade Classes have Spanish 5 days a week.

Classroom Rules:

1) Be respectful!

2)Come to class prepared & ready to learn!

3) Hand in homework & projects on time.

4) Study for quizzes and tests!  Remember each lesson builds on the lesson before it.  Vocabulary & grammar will carry over from unit to unit.  

5) Review often!  Use flashcards or Quizlet to go over material.

6) PARTICIPATE!  Practicing, and speaking in Spanish, will help you improve & learn the language.

7) See me for extra help!  Check the "homework page" for my Extra Help times.  


Grading Policy

Tests & Projects: 40%

Quizzes: 30%

Classwork & Participation: 20%

Participation includes getting daily classwork done & submitting it on time, as well as volunteering in class and being attentive & respectful.  A weekly grade will be given based on classroom participation, completion of classroom & homework assignments, having computers charged & ready to use, volunteering to speak in class.

Homework: 10%


2023-2024 Supplies needed for Spanish Class:

a few packs of flashcards
a marble composition notebook (specifically for Spanish class)
colored pencils and/or crayons


On-line Textbook:

Go to   

You should use the username & password you were given in class.  When you login for the first time, you will be asked to change your password.  PLEASE MAKE A NOTE of this new password, as I will not have it.  

 7th Grade Book

8th Grade Book 


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